
“During my stay in the UK Kieran helped me more than I could have imagined. Through his in depth analysis and then exercise program and thorough explanation of how to perform my program correctly he helped me out of pain with my back, then made me much stronger and functional for bodyboarding. Kieran helped me out of pain when no physio or osteopath could figure out what was going on and got me back in the water fitter and more comfortable than ever

- Connor Cave sponsored Body Boarder
Thanks for getting me back in the water Kieran
- Monot Ende Supriatna Professional Surfer

Kieran was honest, funny, engaging, tactful with his opinions, technically accurate and thorough…he was a great inspiration to all the CHEK Practitioners there, including me…Kieran’s research showed that indeed, the C.H.E.K. totem pole system of evaluation and prioritization of treatment protocol IS supported by current scientific literature. Thanks Kieran. Keep up the great work!

I went to see Kieran as I had seen him work with others and thought he may be able to help me with my back pain I’ve had on and off for over 20 years. I was very impressed with the thorough nature of the initial assessment. Kieran explained what all his findings meant and was able to show me a couple of stretches and exercises, which helped control my pain straight away. The program he prepared was very thorough and within a couple of weeks my pain was gone. If I don’t do my exercise program the pain occasionally comes back but I can sort it out by doing the exercises again.
- Paul Chek (World Leader in Health and Exercise Education)
Since working with Kieran I have put on over 6kg of muscle, improved my service power, and on-court presence. Kieran is not just relevant to tennis but the corrective mobility movements can help you through everyday life. I highly recommend his services for anyone looking to take their game to the next level.
- Michael Johnson
I do personally think that the stress talk today was very useful and I came away from the metting feeling very positive about how I can use this information and better myself.I enjoyed it very much. Kieran is very easy to listen to and his manner extremely calming. I certainly be interested in future talks.I did find the talk interesting and although in the main I was aware of most things covered, I did learn some useful tips. It also acted as a refresher and makes you think about how you react to situations and how you could react differently.
- Rob Mitchell

I’ve been working with Kieran for 8 months and have lost over 2 stone. Before this I tried on my own for 3 months and lost 1lb! Kieran’s knowledge of exercise and nutrition is invaluable and makes progress inevitable. He helped me understand my metabolic type and how my hormones were affecting my weight. Unfortunately my trousers keep falling down, the other day it was at work, which was very embarrassing! Apart from this side effect the clinic is spacious and has all the equipment my gym has, I wouldn’t go back to training without an expert again it’s a waste of valuable time.

- Heather Wilmot

came to see Kieran because I had bad posture (one of the measures was the worst result he’d seen) following a car accident causing whiplash. Kieran’s program has been very good. When I do the exercises I get no pain. Further my whole life has been improved; my driving and sleeping are much improved. Thanks very much Kieran.

- Amy Chase

Over the past year Kieran has helped me to train, both for fitness and my sport – horse riding, specifically dressage. Under his guidance I have achieved a better core strength, leading to improved balance and excellent fitness and endurance. Kieran is a dedicated trainer with an outstanding depth of knowledge, studying books as varied as a human atlas of dissection, to better understand both biomechanics and the root causes of injury and its resolution through exercise. I had a neck problem when I started my training course, with specific, targeted exercise and stretch work this has been cleared up. Kieran also studies dietetics and helps his clients to eat for health, fitness and preferences so that the client stays with the diet. Each training session is structured to challenge and inspire the client, with Kieran demonstrating and then helping the client achieve the best they can. Preferences are built into the programme which leads to compliance, and the progressive nature of the training ensures goals are reached. He will even add line drawings to the printed programme as a visual reminder. Oh and he works himself harder than his clients!

- Patricia Fray BA
Kieran was a good presenter, impressive for his age, very personable and articulate, not patronising or lacking credibility (I have been on a few course/classes where this was the case).