Health Professionals

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Health Professionals

Kieran is passionate about evidence-based medicine and his facebook page, linked below, posts regular updates on the latest spinal research.
As well as staying abreast of current research Kieran also studies or studied with leading names in the rehabilitation field such as Andry Vleeming, Shirley Sahrmann, Paul Chek, Guy Voyer, Karel Lewitt, Paul Harradine, Pavel Kolar and many more.

Kieran is keen to share what he learns with other professionals.

To find out more email

“Kieran was honest, funny, engaging, tactful with his opinions, technically accurate and thorough…he was a great inspiration to all the CHEK Practitioners there, including me…Kieran’s research showed that indeed, the C.H.E.K. totem pole system of evaluation and prioritisation of treatment protocol is supported by current scientific literature. Thanks Kieran. Keep up the great work!”

Paul Chek (World Leader in Health and Exercise Education) reviewing Kieran’s presentation at the CHEK International Conference (London 2008)

Conditions we treat

Chronic Pain

Long standing pain that persists beyond the usual recovery period or occurs along with a chronic health condition, such as arthritis

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Form of spinal arthritis, chiefly affecting young males, that eventually causes ankylosis of vertebral and sacro-iliac joints.


Chronic (long-lasting) disorder that causes pain and tenderness throughout the body, as well as fatigue and trouble sleeping

Chronic Fatigue

Symptoms include light sensitivity, headache, muscle and joint pain, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and depression.

Success stories from our clients